Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Passwords and other ways of frittering away time and effort...

It has been a while since I posted. I could blame this sad omission on age and decrepitude, but perhaps, I think hopefully, I could blame the increasing waste of time spent on managing passwords. How to waste time and increase the already too high levels of frustration and confusion.
I do try to be organised. I really do! I write things like passwords down, and try hard to remember which is which. I reset a password only yesterday, and this morning it did not work, and I am sure it was not because I made a typo. Ah me, ohime!

If only I had a secretary! Surely that would help? I certainly need a gremlin exterminator!

And in the meantime, a tax return is due. I have spent time which otherwise might have been far more pleasurably and productively spent, in going through piles of documents. Yes, I know they should be neatly arranged in folder, and never ever allowed to hide themselves in miscellaneous piles. I am guilty on all counts.

I discovered no one had sent me a group certificate! Gulp! Why ever not?  I rang my tax person's firm, and was told that they can get all the required information all by themselves! Who knew? Not me! I spent some time on the phone yesterday with some of the relevant authorities, seeking to ascertain why they had not sent me the forms and the information. I am still confused, but when I talked to the tax agent, all became much more simple (thank heavens!) They will take care of it all.

Look, I would hate to have more complicated finances...And I hate the paperless society.
Although, having just sorted out my messy papers into a more rational and organised system (I hope) let me hope that not only is virtue its own reward, but things might be easier in future. And my chief tax advisor and I have talked and it seems all might be well.

But I realise the real reason why we reproduce... it is so the offspring can come to our rescue, in a loving, kind and tolerant way. And, of course, you realise that the real reason to have secretaries and staff is to avoid having to do all these things yourself.

I think I need now to go out for a restorative coffee.

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