Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Dithering while frittering away the time

Tomorrow I am flying to Melbourne to celebrate my third sister's 60th birthday. She said she did not want any presents, so we have taken due and proper notice of that, and intend to present her with concert and film vouchers.

My packing still remains to be done. Much of the day has been frittered away in an apparently vain attempt to find my new password for my email. Drat the thing, my memory and my lack of proper organisation. Now I will have to ring Telstra again, but no point in doing so until after my return.

Much time has been spent getting documents organised for my tax return, which is very very late. I sent a package off to the tax agent last week and hope it arrived in time for them to sort it all out and have it ready for me to sign at tomorrow's appointment. The paperless office seems to have escaped me.

Mind you, I like to have paper records. They come in handy at times, such as when you have to disprove the untrue and inaccurate statements have been made. You never know if and when the computer will crash, obliterating the past. In my view too much of the past has been obliterated and I am not going to help it any further. Print, on paper, is much more satisfying, and I cannot see my easily transferring to iPads etcetera. No, give me a good book or hundred, with good quality paper and a font pleasing to the eye, and many of my needs and wants are met.

This desire for hard copy has not transferred to photographs, however, as it has been too hard to select and then go off somewhere to get them all printed. They look good on my lovely Apple computer, and if only I could get around to labelling them all accurately and systematically, greater contentment would ensue.

At least I have found my batteries and chargers, and hope to take lots of photos of the multitudinous family, ranging from my eldest and her children, to brothers, sisters and their numerous progeny.

But now is the time to stop waffling and babbling and to get upstairs and pack. What will the weather be like?

Once on my way I will probably stop fretting and just get on with having a good time.


molly said...

I recently turned our "office" inside out searching for homeowners' insurance papers, only to learn in an email next day from The Man in England that we no longer get paper copies---which I see as a great improvement, as said Man is very resistant to shredding old, really old, insurance papers, thus compounding problems of finding current ones----oy!

Hope you have a wonderful time with your sisters. I'm reading "The Secret Keeper" by your own Kate Morton and it starts out with a reunion of a family of sisters! Your post reminded me of it....

VioletSky said...

Except for the bit about flying off to Melbourne, this could have been written by me!!

Since you won't get this comment until your return, I will say "welcome home again" and I hope you had a wonderful visit with your family!